Chantel’s Comeback Post

So, I’ve been on hiatus from the blog since the end of August. If you have followed us since then, hi there! I’m Chantel the other half of BW Reviews. Caidyn and I started this blog in March of 2017 and we are almost going on two years. However, I decided to take a break. A much-needed break. I took a break for the sake of my mental health. I’ve struggled with depression since I was a teenager and I’ve lived with it. I’ve had ups and downs and I didn’t even notice things were steadily going down for me. I’m doing much better now and if you take anything away from this post, just know it’s okay to take a break.

In general, I’m not a particularly motivated person. I never have been and I think that has continued into adulthood because I haven’t suffered any consequences as of yet. In school, I never failed because I was too lazy to do the homework. I understand the work but refused to do homework. However, when it would come time to work on essays outside of class I struggled.

The last time I went to college, I was overwhelmed by how much work outside of class I had to do. Not to mention I was working at the same time. Here’s the thing, I wish I was a driven person who did things she didn’t want to do, but I’m not.

I’ve taken a hiatus from the blog because I wasn’t reading and I was struggling mentally. My heart wasn’t in anything I was doing so I stepped back. Caidyn is a fucking hero for posting on the blog EVERYDAY while working on his Master’s and doing Practicum, oh and working too. I want to BE him when I grow up. I left at what was possibly the worst time to but I’m going to come back. I’ve missed blogging and being a part of a community.

I’m still not reading regularly, but trust me when I say I have plenty to talk about. The blog was always review based, but I hope to go beyond reviews and talk about things that are important to me.

I just want to share my thoughts with people who agree or disagree with me and have a productive conversation about it. Maybe I will sprinkle in a review here and there, but my plan is to write for the blog again.

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