Blogging burnout

So. About those changes.

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This isn’t going to be one of those sweet, loving, adorable personal posts where I tell you how great my life is and all that.

Today, I want to talk to you about blogging burnout.

I’m familiar with burnout from social work. It’s when you’re just tired and exhausted and cynical and everything else. You can’t do any of the work that you need to do despite needing to do it. If you want to know more about the signs, click here.

And, I’m burning out. I’m just running out of steam. This isn’t just with blogging, but just in general. However, it’s really showing up here. I’ve already stepped back from doing Instagram posts every day to help ward off against this.

Since Chantel left, it’s been very hard on me. I’m feeling very discouraged and get so damn stressed about making sure I have posts set-up and am reading enough books and checking the blog a few times a day. And, what I get back from blogging isn’t justifying the stress.

I don’t feel like I’ve been putting my all into reviews because I’m reading and reading and reading to try to make enough content to last me a month, then I’m so busy that I can’t write reviews right away. And so I can’t write quality reviews that I want to.

Don’t get me wrong, I fucking love all of your likes and comments. I love your posts. I love it all. But, I’m just so damn stressed and am barely able to function. Last week, I had a breakdown on Tuesday because I was so stressed. Chantel and I talked about this, too, because I value her input in the blog even if she’s no longer an active presence.

That means I’ve made a decision about the blog that did not come lightly. I’ve been thinking about this for a very long time, going between various ideas that included quitting altogether or bringing in another blogger to create content. I don’t want my mental health to suffer. I’m very much a go-getter so I don’t like doing this, but I know that I have to.

I’ve come to this conclusion.

I will not be posting daily anymore.

My goal is to post somewhere between 3-5 times a week.

What will the blog schedule look like?

Well, it’s going to look something like this.

  • Top Ten Tuesday every week
  • A tag that I’ve been tagged in bimonthly on Thursdays
  • Fridays: alternate between First Lines Friday and Down the TBR Hole
  • Mondays, Wednesdays, Saturdays, or Sundays will feature a book review.

And, that’s basically it.

I don’t really like that I’m dropping back because I’ve loved posting daily for the past months. However, as Chantel is currently on an indefinite hiatus and I’m in graduate school, that’s not feasible. Making this decision, I already feel so much lighter. I don’t feel nearly as stressed and I’ve been able to enjoy reading more.

These changes are going to be effective immediately.

Despite these changes, I’m going to be around each and every day to like your posts. I’m hoping that this will translate to me having more time to comment on your posts as well.

Thank you all for following us. I know that we are in awe at how many of you there are. And that goes for whether you’ve been here from the start or recently found us. Thank you all so much. I know my life would be less rich if I hadn’t gotten into this community.

31 thoughts on “Blogging burnout

    • Thank you! ❤ I'm liking that I can be more selective about what reviews I post on here since I don't have to completely fill up with content. So, thank you! When I finally made the decision, I felt a lot better.

      Liked by 2 people

  1. Health comes first. 🙂 There are times when I too felt that I wasn’t posting enough content on my blog, but it’s fine to post once or twice in a week. Those who love to read your posts will always be there.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I think it’s important and good that you decided to do what feels right for you. I really enjoy your posts but I know how stressed you can get when you have to keep a blog running. 🙂 I only manage two pots a week and it’s already not easy so you have all my respect for posting daily for so long. ❤ Your health and you come first and I'm sure everyone will understand.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. No need to post every day! I took a break at the start of March and have only been able to post once for a blog tour I committed to previously, so I understand where you’re coming from. What you’re cutting back to was more of my schedule for the Jan/Feb and I still didn’t have the time I wanted to read so I don’t know how you did daily! I hope for the best for your MH and grad school, and take care of YOU first!!

    Liked by 2 people

    • That’s what I’m starting to learn. That it’s okay to not do it all. I’m planning on taking care of myself and posting things I really want to and I’m proud of. Thank you so much! ❤️

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  4. Hey, 3-5 blog posts a week is no joke! I’ve been trying to get blog post up every other day and have so many things I want to do, but yesterday I decided preemptively to scale back before I get burned out. I’m glad you made this blog post because I think it’s good we all get reminders that we’re all human and can only do so much without feeling drained.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I’m sorry you’re experiencing burnout! It’s definitely a real risk. I think a lot of us feel the pressure the post regularly, to bloghop, to catch up with our favourite bloggers’ posts… And, sometimes, that just doesn’t happen. Like, this month, I’ve been busy with other stuff… I haven’t been able to read as much or do as much on the blog. And I definitely feel bad about that… I think taking a step back and setting yourself up in a more manageable way is fantastic!!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Always take care of yourself first. I am having alot of health issues myself and I just started my blog. I do what I can, when I can and I hope that everyone understands, I am doing it for fun, if I don’t enjoy it, then my followers won’t either. Just smile and take it one day at a time! 🙂

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  7. Your mental health should always come first – it’s amazing that you’re blogging at all while in graduate school! I promise we would still show up even if you posted once a week or even less. Be kind to yourself X

    Liked by 1 person

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